Trabajos realizados
Tesina Máster:
Sobre la multiestructura transversa
de las foliaciones de Lie. [Geometría Diferencial]
Tesina, U.A.B. 1993.
Número de registro 173.
Tesis Doctoral:
Sobre la
estructura transversa de las foliaciones de Lie. [Geometría Diferencial]
de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
Depósito legal: B-19807/95.
- Sistema departamental
gestionado por Administración.
[Programa Informático]
Sr. F.
Navajas, Dr. B. Herrera, Dr. G. Pujadas.
Registro número: T-380/06 con fecha de 27/10/2006.
- Silla armable y
desmontable. [Modelo de Utilidad]
Sra. E.
Domínguez, Dr. A. Samper, Dr. B. Herrera.
Registro número: U201530431 con fecha
de 16/04/2015.
- Dispositivo de unión
para muletas. [Modelo de Utilidad]
Dr. A.
Samper, Dr. B. Herrera. Registro número:
U201530567 con fecha de 14/05/2015.
- Monitorización de
la proyección del rosetón de la Catedral de Mallorca
(8 Effect). [Aplicación Móvil - Programa Informático]
Dr. A.
Samper, Dr. B. Herrera, Sr. Ramón Salla, Sr. David
Moreno. Código fuente registrado con número identificador:
2205051069763 con fecha de 05/05/2022.
Safe Creative - registro electrónico de propiedad intelectual.
Artículos en revistas
1.- Transverse structure of Lie foliations.
[Differential Geometry]
Journal of the Mathematical
Society of Japan. Vol. 48, No.
4, (1996) pag. 769-795. doi:10.1215/jkjm/1250518266.
First page.
B. Herrera, M. Sanromà
2.- The morphology-density relationship for
clusters of galaxies revisited. [Astrophysics]
Astronomy & Astrophysics
Journal. 320, (1997) pag. 13-18. Free Link.
First page.
B. Herrera, A. Reventós
3.- The transverse structure of Lie flows of codimension 3. [Differential Geometry]
Journal of Mathematics
of Kyoto University. 37-3, (1997)
pag. 455-476. doi:10.2969/jmsj/04840769.
First page.
B. Herrera
The notable configuration
of the inscribed equilateral triangles in a triangle.
[Classical Geometry]
der Mathematik.
57, (2002) pag.
26-31. 10.1007/PL00000556.
First page.
B. Herrera, FX. Grau, F. Giralt
5.- Orthogonal grids around
convex bodies using foliations. [Fluid Mechanics]
International Journal
for Numerical Methods in Engineering.
56, (2003) pag. 637-649.
First page.
B. Herrera
6.- Vorticity and curvature
at a stream surface.
[Fluid Mechanics & Differential
European Journal of
Mechanics - B/Fluids. 26, (2007) pag. 473-478. doi:10.1016/j.euromechflu.2006.09.002 .
First page.
B. Herrera
7.- Note about the Isochronicity of Hamiltonian systems
and the curvature of the energy. [Differential Equations]
Bulletin of the Korean
Mathematical Society. 44, (2007),
No. 3, pag. 415-418. Free link.
First page.
B. Herrera, J. Pallarés, FX. Grau
8.- Identification
of boundary planes in three-dimensional
flows. [Fluid
European Journal of
Mechanics - B/Fluids. 27, (2008) pag. 290-296. doi:10.1016/j.euromechflu.2007.06.001 .
First page.
B. Herrera
9.- The conics of Lucas' configuration.
[Classical Geometry]
der Mathematik.
63, (2008) pag.
14-17. doi:10.4171/EM/80.
First page.
M. Sánchez-Artigas, P.
García-López, B. Herrera
10.- Exploring the feasibility
of reputation models for improving P2P rounting under churn. [Telecommunications Engineering]
Lecture Notes in Computer
Science. 5704 LNCS, (2009) pag 535-547. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-03869-3_51
Frst page.
B. Herrera
11.- The vortical
deviation on a stream surface.
[Fluid Mechanics
& Differential Geometry]
Applied Mathematics
Letters. 22, (2009) pag.
649-651. doi:10.1016/j.aml.2009.01.003 .
First page.
M. Sánchez-Artigas, P.
García-López, B. Herrera
12.- Exploring the feasibility
of reputation systems under churn. [Telecommunications Engineering]
IEEE Communications
Letters. 13-7, (2009) pag. 558-560 . doi:10.1109/LCOMM.2009.090573.
First page.
B. Herrera, G. Fortuny
13.- Comment on "Vortex of Fluid
Field as Viewed from Curvature" [Commun.
Theor. Phys. 43 (2005)
604]. [Fluid Mechanics]
Communications in
Theoretical Physics. 53-1, (2010) pag. 43-44. doi:10.1088/0253-6102/53/1/09.
First page.
B. Herrera
14.- Vorticity and curvature
at a general material surface. [Fluid Mechanics & Differential Geometry]
Physics of Fluids.
22-4, (2010) pag.
042104-042111 . doi:10.1063/1.3407653
First page.
B. Herrera, J. Pallarés
15.- Identification of
boundary surfaces in flows. [Fluid Mechanics]
Applied Mathematics
and Mechanics-English Edition. 31-9,
(2010) pag. 1097-1104.
First page.
L. Pamies-Juarez,
P. García-López, M. Sánchez-Artigas,
B. Herrera
16.- Towards the design of optimal
data redundancy schemes for heterogeneous cloud storage
infrastructures. [Software Engineering]
Computer Networks.
55-5, (2011) pag
1100-1113. doi:10.1016/j.comnet.2010.11.004
First page.
G. Fortuny,
B. Herrera, F. Marimón,
J. Marcé
17.- Determining the constitutive
parameters of the human femoral vein
in specific patients. [Biomechanics]
Computational Plasticity
- Fundamentals and Applications, (2011),
ISBN: 978-84-89925-23-6. Link.
First page.
M. Sánchez-Artigas, B.
18.- SocialHelpers:
Introducing social trust to
ameliorate churn in P2P reputation systems. [Telecommunications
Peer-to-Peer Computing
- 2011 IEEE International Conference on
Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P), (2011) , ISBN:
978-145770149-8. doi:10.1109/P2P.2011.2010.6038752
First page.
G. Fortuny,
M. López-Cano,
A. Susín, B. Herrera
19.- Simulation and study of
the geometric parameters in the inguinal
area and the genesis of inguinal hernias.
Computer Methods in
Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering.
15-2, (2012) pag.
195-201. doi:10.1080/10255842.2010.522182
First page.
G. Sanromà,
R. Alquézar, F.
Serratosa, B. Herrera
20.- Smooth point-set registration
using neighborin
constraints. [Artificial Intelligence]
Pattern Recognition
Letters. 33-15, (2012) pag. 2029-2037. doi:10.1016/j.patrec.2012.04.008
First page.
B. Herrera, G. Fortuny, F. Marimón
21.- Calculation of human femoral
vein wall parameters in vivo from
clinical data for specific patient. [Biomedical Engineering]
Journal of Biomechanical
Engineering-Transactions of the ASME. 134-12,
(2012) pag. 124501-124504.
First page.
A. Samper, B. Herrera
22.- Analysis of two suspended
staircases of Arne Jacobsen. [Construction & Building Technology]
de la Construcción.
65-530, (2013) pag. 133-145.
First page.
M. Sánchez-Artigas, B.
23.- Understanding the effects
of P2P dynamics on trust bootstrapping.
[Computer Science &
Information Systems]
Information Sciences.
236, (2013) pag. 33-55.
First page.
B. Herrera, J. Pallarés
24.- Identification of vortex
cores of three-dimensional large-vortical
structures. [Fluid Mechanics]
Archive of Applied
Mechanics. 83-9, (2013) pag. 1383-1391. doi:10.1007/s00419-013-0753-6
A. Samper, B. Herrera
25.- Fractal analysis of Spanish
Gothic cathedrals. [Construction & Building Technology]
de la Construcción.
66-534, (2014) pag. e015.
First page.
B. Herrera
26.- The Feuerbach circle and
the other remarkable circles of the cyclic
polygons. [Classical Geometry]
der Mathematik. 69,
(2014) pag.
1-10. doi:10.4171/EM/238
First page.
A. Samper, B. Herrera
27.- The fractal pattern of
the French Gothic cathedrals. [Architecture & Geometry]
Nexus Network Journal.
16-2, (2014) pag.
251-271. doi:10.1007/s00004-014-0187-7
First page.
A. Samper, B. Herrera
28.- A suspended ladder. [Architecture]
ARQ. 87, (2014)
pag. 44-53. doi:10.4067/S0717-69962014000200007
First page.
M. Sánchez-Artigas, B.
29.- Activity Stereotypes, or How
to Cope with Disconnection during Trust Bootstrapping.
[Computer Science]
IEEE Transactions
on Parallel and Distributed Systems.
26-1, (2015) pag. 2-12.
doi: 10.1109/TPDS.2014.2308186
First page.
A. Samper, B. Herrera
30.- Fractal analysis comparison
between Sagrada
Familia temple
and Gothic cathedrals. [Construction & Building Technology]
de la Construcción.
67-538, (2015) pag. e072.
First page.
B. Herrera
31.- Two conjectures by Victor
Thébault linking tetrahedra with quadrics.
Forum Geometricorum. 15,
(2015) pag. 115-122. Free link.
First page.
B. Herrera, A. Samper
32.- Definition and Calculation
of an Eight-Centered Oval which is
Quasi-Equivalent to the Ellipse. [Applied Geometry]
Journal for Geometry
and Graphics. 19-2, (2015) pag. 257-268. Free Link.
First page.
A. Samper, B. Herrera
33.- A study of the Roughness
of Gothic rose windows. [Architecture & Geometry]
Nexus Network Journal.
18-2, (2016) pag. 397-417. doi:10.1007/s00004-015-0264-6
First page.
J. Lluis-i-Ginovart,
A. Samper, B. Herrera, A. Costa, S. Coll
34.- Geometry of the Icosikaidigon in Orvieto
Cathedral. [Architecture & Geometry]
Nexus Network Journal.
18-2, (2016) pag. 419-438. doi:10.1007/s00004-016-0289-5
First page.
B. Herrera, J. Pallarés,
A. Reventós
35.- Geometric characterization of the
rotation centers of a
particle in a flow. [Fluid Mechanics
& Differential Geometry]
Note di Matematica. 36-2, (2016) pag.
37-47. doi:10.1285/i15900932v36n2p37
First page.
36.- Correlation between Chartres cathedral
and the catasterism of ancient virgins
goddesses. [Architecture, Geometry & Astronomy]
European Journal of
Science and Theology.
12-6, (2016) pag. 55-72. Free link.
First page.
37.- Eight-centered oval quasi-equivalent
to Kepler's ellipse of planets' trajectory. [Physics Education]
Revista Cubana de Física. 33-1, (2016)
32-36. Free Link
First page.
38.- Generating infinite links as periodic tilings
of the da Vinvi - Dürer's knots. [Applied Geometry]
The Mathematical Intelligencer. 39-3, (2017) pag. 18-23. doi:10.1007/s00283-016-9679-5
First page.
39.- Determination of the geometric shape
which best fits an architectural arch within each of the conical
curve types and hyperbolic-cosine curve types: the case of Palau
Güell by Antoni Gaudí. [Architecture & Geometry]
Journal of Cultural
Heritage. 25, (2017) pag.
56-64. doi:10.1016/j.culher.2016.11.015
First page.
40.- Classification by type of the arches in
Gaudí's palau Güell. [Architecture &
Nexus Network Journal. 20, (2018) pag. 173-186. doi:10-1007/s00004-017-0355-7
First page.
41.- Algebraic equations of all involucre
conics in the configuration of the
c-inscribed equilateral triangles of a triangle. [Classical
Forum Geometricorum.
18, (2018) pag. 223-238.
Free link.
Complet text.
Tesis Doctorales y Proyectos dirigidos de
Final de Carrera.