Geometria Aplicada  (Geometría Aplicada - Applied Geometry)

Nom - Acronim: Geometria Aplicada - GEOMETRY

Adreça: Av. Universitat, s/n (Reus - 43204)


Paraules Clau:  Anàlisi Geomètric d'Elements Arquitectònics; Geometria Aplicada. 

Àmbit temàtic: Geometria / Arquitectura

Equip investigador

- Dr. Blas Herrera, Sc.D. Responsable del grup, Titular d'Universitat, Geòmetra, Acreditat Catedràtic d'Universitat.

- Dr. Genaro González, Ph.D. Titular d'Universitat, Arquitecte.

- Dr. Albert Samper, Ph.D. Lector S.H., Arquitecte, Acreditat Agregat, Acreditat Titular d'Universitat.

- Dr. Rodrigo Martín-Sáiz, Ph.D. Associat, Arquitecte, Acreditat Lector.

- Dr. David Moreno-García, Ph.D. Associat, Arquitecte.

- Dr. Joan M. Seguí, Ph.D. Alumnus, Arquitecte.

- Dr. Alberto Cortés, Ph.D. Alumnus, Arquitecte.

Línies de Recerca

1.- Anàlisi geomètric d'elements arquitectònics.

2.- Geometria aplicada.

Publicacions de Recerca en Revistes Internacionals    

63.-  Martín-Sáiz R., Herrera B., (2025 accepted). Estimating the minimum thickness of earthquake-resistant vaults and catenary arches using a hanging chain. Nexus Network Journal. *(*), **-**.
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  Martín-Sáiz R., Herrera B., (2024 first on line). Simplified procedure for the design and optimisation of oval tensile spoke wheels for roof structures. Structural Engineering International. *(*), **-**.
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  Martín-Sáiz R., Herrera B., (2024). In-plane design of non-circular triangulated tensile spoke wheels. Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures. 65(3), 189-205.
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  Samper A., Moreno-García D., Herrera B., (2024). Study of the effects created by the sunlight passing through the rose windows of Mallorca cathedral. Nexus Network Journal. 26, 469-483.
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58.-  Tran Q.H., Herrera B., (2024). n-dimensional generalizations of a Thébault conjecture. Mathematical Notes. 4(115), 618-625.
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57.-  Martín-Sáiz R., Herrera B., (2024). Parametric design of triangulated tensile spoke-wheels with bi-convex profile for roof structures on elliptical stadium stands. Hormigón y Acero. 75(304), 35-50.
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  González G., Herrera B., (2023). Stone sawing machine at the Temple of Artemis in Jerash, Jordan. DYNA. 90(229), 35-44.
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  Herrera B., Tran Q.H., (2023). On the radical center of four spheres. Resonance. 28(8), 1263-1279.
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  Samper A., Martín-Sáiz R., Moreno-García D., (2023 fisrt on line). Study on the mechanical capacity and structural relevance of a flying buttress through the analysis of a particular case. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. *(*), **-**.
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  Samper A., Moreno-García D., Herrera B., (2023). Light effects of the rose windows in Mallorca cathedral. Nexus Network Journal. 25, 63-70.
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  Samper A., Herrera B., (2023). Graphical projection of the daily orbit of the star Sirius on the pavement of Saint Peter's square. European Journal of Science and Theology. 19(1), 131-143.
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  Samper A., Martín-Sáiz R., Herrera B., (2022). On the inclination of a flying buttress arch. Nexus Network Journal. 24, 897-911.
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  Herrera B., Tran Q.H., (2022). An analogue of Thébault's theorem linking the radical center of four spheres with the insphere and the Monge point of a tetrahedron. International Electronic Joutnal of Geometry. 15(1), 75-78.
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  Samper A., Herrera B., Costa-Jover A., (2022). Systematic calculation of flying buttress parameters by means of geometric regression. Journal of Cultural Heritage. 54, 21-30.
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  Samper A., Herrera B., (2021). Graphic and analytical description of the helicoidal columns of the Lonjas of Palma de Mallorca and Valencia. EGA Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 26(43), 82-95.
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  González G., Samper A., Herrera B., (2021). Acoustic simulation of the central hall in palau Güell by Gaudí. Architecture and Engineering. 6(2), 18-30.
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  Saffari N., Rahswan HA., Abdel-Nasser M., Singh VK., Arenas M., Mangina E., Herrera B., Puig D., (2020). Fully automated breast density segmentation and classification using deep learning. Diagnostics: Machine learning and Artificial intelligence. 10(11), 988.
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   Samper A., Iglesias J., Herrera B., Pallarés J., (2020). Flow analysis of a set of ornamental chimney caps designed by Antony Gaudí. Heritage Science. 8(3), 1-10.
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   Cortés A., Samper A., Herrera B., González G., (2020). Geometrical review of the dome in Palau Güell. Informes de la Construcción. 72(558), e335.
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   Herrera B., Samper A., Seguí JM., (2019). Justification about the existence and location of Chartres' cathedral labyrint based on astronomy and geometry. Cogent Arts & Humanities. 6, 1631021.
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   Cortés A., Samper A., Herrera B., (2019). Geometric determination of the hyperbolic paraboloids of the vaults in the entrance porch to the Crypt of the Colònia Güell by Antoni Gaudí. Informes de la Construcción. 71(554), e295.
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   Herrera B., (2018). Algebraic equations of all involucre conics in the configuration of the c-inscribed equilateral triangles of a triangle. Forum Geometricorum. 18, 223-238.
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41.-   González G., Samper A., Herrera B., (2018). Classification by type of the arches in Gaudí's palau Güell. Nexus Network Journal. 20, 173-186.
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   Samper A., González G., Herrera B., (2017). Determination of the geometric shape which best fits an architectural arch within the conical curve types and hyperbolic-cosine curve types: the case of Palau Güell by Antoni Gaudí. Journal of Cultural Heritage. 25, 56-64.
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   Herrera B., Samper A., (2017).  Generating infinite links as periodic tilings of the da Vinci - Dürer's knotsThe Mathematical Intelligencer. 39(3), 18-23.
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38.-   Herrera B., Samper A., (2016).  Eight-centered oval quasi-equivalent to Kepler's ellipse of planets' trajectory. Revista Cubana de Física. 31(1), 32-36.
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   Seguí JM., Samper A.Herrera B. (2016).  Correlation between Chartres cathedral and the catasterism of ancient virgin goddesses. European Journal of Science and Theology. 12(6), 55-72.
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   Herrera B., Pallarés J., Reventós A. (2016).  Geometric characterization of the rotation centers of a particle in a flow. Note di Matematica. 36(2), 37-47.
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35.-   Lluis-i-Ginovart J., Samper A., Coll S., Costa A., (2017).  El trazado del Icosakaidígono en el clypeus Jupiter -Ammon de Tarragona (S.I) y la faz de cristo del rosetón de la catedral de Orvieto (s.XIV). Informes de la construcción. 69(549), e173.
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   Lluis-i-Ginovart J., Samper A., Herrera B., Costa A., Coll S. (2016).  Geometry of the Icosikaidigon in Orvieto Cathedral. Nexus Network Journal. 18(2), 419-438.
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  Samper A., Herrera B. (2016).  A study of the Roughness of Gothic rose windows. Nexus Network Journal. 18(2), 397-417.
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   Herrera B., Samper A. (2015).  Definition and Calculation of an Eight-Centered Oval which is Quasi-Equivalent to the Ellipse. Journal for Geometry and Graphics. 19(2), 257-268.
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31.-   Herrera B. (2015).  Two conjectures by Victor Thébault linking tetrahedra with quadrics. Forum Geometricorum. 15, 115-122.
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  Samper A., Herrera B. (2015).  Fractal analysis comparison between Sagrada Familia temple and Gothic cathedrals. Informes de la construcción. , 67(538), e072.
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29.-   Sánchez-Artigas M., Herrera B. (2015).  Activity Stereotypes, or How to Cope with Disconnection during Trust Bootstrapping. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 26(1), 2-12.
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28.-   Samper A., Herrera B. (2014).  A suspended ladder. ARQ, 87, 44-53.
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27.-   Samper A., Herrera B. (2014).  The fractal pattern of the French Gothic cathedrals. Nexus Network Journal, 16(2), 251-271.
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   Herrera B. (2014).  The Feuerbach circle, and the other remarkable circles, of the cyclic polygons. Elemente der Mathematik, 69(1),  1-10.
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25.-   Samper A., Herrera B. (2014).  Fractal analysis of Spanish Gothic cathedrals. Informes de la construcción, 66(534), e015.
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24.-   Herrera B., Pallarés J. (2013).  Identification of vortex cores of three-dimensional large-vortical structures. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 83(9),  1383-1391.
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23.-   Sánchez-Artigas M., Herrera B. (2013).  Understanding the effects of P2P dynamics on trust bootstrapping. Information Sciences, 236,  33-55.
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22.-   Samper A., Herrera B. (2013).  Analysis of two suspended staircases of Arne Jacobsen. Informes de la Construcción, 65(530),  133-145.
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21.-   Herrera B., Fortuny G., Marimón F. (2012).  Calculation of human vein wall parameters in vivo from clinical data for specific patien. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions of the ASME, 134(12),  124501-124504.
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20.-   Sanromà G., Alquézar R., Serratosa F., Herrera B. (2012).  Smooth point-set registration using neighborin constraints. Pattern Recognition Letters, 13(15),  2029-2037.
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19.-   Fortuny G., López-Cano M., Susín A. Herrera B. (2012).  Simulation and study of the geometric parameters in the inguinal area and the genesis of inguinal hernias. Computer Methods In Biomechanics And Biomedical Engineering, 15(2),  195-201.
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18.-   Sánchez-Artigas M., Herrera B. (2011).  SocialHelpers: Introducing social trust to ameliorate churn in P2P reputation systems. Peer-to-Peer Computing - 2011 IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P), ISBN: 978-145770149-8.
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17.-   Fortuny G.,  Herrera B., Marimón F., Marcé J. (2011).  Determining the constitutive parameters of the human femoral vein in specific patients. Computational Plasticity - Fundamentals and Applications, ISBN: 978-84-89925-23-6.
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16.-   Pamies-Juarez L., García-López P., Sánchez- Artigas M., Herrera B. (2011).  Towards the design of optimal data redundancy schemes for heterogeneous cloud storage infrastructures. Computer Networks, 55(5),  1100-1113.
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15.-   Herrera B., Fortuny G. (2010).  Comment on 'Vortex of Fluid Field as Viewed from Curvature'. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 53(1),  43-44.
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14.-   Herrera B. (2010).  Vorticity and curvature at a general material surface.Physics of Fluids, 22(4),  042104-042111.
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13.-   Herrera B., Pallarés J.  (2010).  Identification of boundary surfaces in flows. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics - English Edition, 31(9),  1097-1104.
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12.-   Sánchez-Artigas M, García-López P, Herrera B. (2009).  Exploring the feasibility of reputation models for improving P2P routing under churn. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5704 LNCS,  535-547.
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11.-   Herrera B. (2009).  The vortical deviation on a stream surface. Applied Mathematics Letters, 22(6),  946-951.
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10.-   Sánchez-Artigas M, García-López P, Herrera B. (2009).  Exploring the feasibility of reputation systems under churn. IEEE Communications Letters, 13(7),  558-560.
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9.-   Herrera B. (2008).  The conics of Lucas' configuration. Elemente der Mathematik, 63(1),  14-17.
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8.-   Herrera B., Pallarés J., Grau F.X. (2008).  Identification of boundary planes in three-dimensional flows. European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids, 27(3),  290-296.
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7.-   Herrera B. (2007).  Vorticity and curvature at a stream surface. European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids, 26,  473-478.
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6.-   Herrera B. (2007).  Note about the Isochronicity of Hamiltonian systems and the curvature of the energy. Bulletin Of The Korean Mathematical Society, 44(3),  415-418.
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5.-   Herrera B., Grau, F.X., Giralt, F.  (2003).  Orthogonal grids around convex bodies using foliations. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 56(5),  637-649.
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4.-   Herrera B. (2002).  The notable configuration of inscribed equilateral triangles in a triangle. Elemente der Mathematik, 57(1),  26-31. 
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3.-   Herrera B., Sanromà M. (1997).  The morphology-density relationship for cluster of galaxies revisited. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 320,  13-18.
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2.-   Herrera B., Reventós A. (1997).  The tranverse structure of lie flows of codimension 3. Journal of Mathematics of Kyoto University, 37(3),  455-476.
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1.-   Herrera B., Llabrés M, Reventós A. (1996).  Transverse structure of lie foliations. Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan, 48(4),  769-795.
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Patents i Registres de la Propietat Intelectual

- A. Samper, B. Herrera., R. Salla, D. Moreno. Ref. 2205051069763.  Monitorización de la proyección del rosetón de la Catedral de Mallorca (8 Effect).   (España, 2022). Safe Creative - registro electrónico de propiedad intelectual .

- A. Samper, B. Herrera.  Ref. U201530567.  Dispositivo de unión para muletas.   (España, 2015). Oficina española de Patentes y Marcas.

- E. Domínguez, A.Samper, B. Herrera.  Ref. U201530431.  Silla armable y desmontable.   (España, 2015). Oficina española de Patentes y Marcas.

- F. Navajas, B. Herrera, G. Pujadas.  Ref. T-380/06.  Sistema departamental gestionado por Administración.   (España, 2006). Registro de la Propiedad Industrial.

Tesis Doctorals i Projectes Fi de Carrera

Tesis Doctoral (2014 URV): Albert Samper:  Análisis Fractal de las Catedrales Góticas. Director Herrera B.

- Tesis Doctoral (2017): Joan M. Seguí:  Análisis Gométrico y Astronómico en la Catedral de Chartres. Directores Herrera B., Samper A.

- Tesis Doctoral (2020): Alberto Cortés:  Sístesis geométrica cuadrática de superficies arquitectónicas. Directores Herrera B., Samper A.

- Tesis Doctoral (2022): Nasibeh Saffari:  Analysing the breast tissue in mammograms using deep learning. Directores Herrera B., Puig D.

- Tesis Doctoral (2024 UdG): Albert Samper:  Sobre la forma de los arbotantes en las fábricas góticas. Directores Herrera B., Gerardo Boto.

- PFC (2005): Lluis Pàmies: Implementació d'un paigatge fotogràfic virtual. Director Herrera B.

- PFC (2005): Albert Ribas: Sistemes de control de vivendes intel·ligents. Director Herrera B.

- PFC (2005): Miriam García: Sistema experto para la priorización de suelos contaminados. Director Herrera B.

- PFC (2006): Manuel Garrido: Creació i edició dinàmica de classes adaptades a bases de dades. Director Herrera B.

- PFC (2006): Fernando Navajas: Sistema departamental gestionado desde administración. Director Herrera B.

- PFC (2006): Nicolás Mantilla: Servidor proxy Ajuntament de Reus. Director Herrera B.

- PFC (2006): Ignaci Mas: Recursos cap d'àrea. Director Herrera B.

- PFC (2007): Óscar Parra: Portal Inmobiliario de Construcciones Júpiter S.L. Director Herrera B.

- PFC (2007): Salvador Reina: Gestió de dades i arxius per l'empresa Digivisión. Director Herrera B.

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Última actualització 10/03/2025