Extended Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering in R

R package mdendro
enables the calculation of agglomerative hierarchical clustering (AHC), extending the standard functionalities in several ways:
- Native handling of both similarity and dissimilarity (distances) matrices.
- Calculation of pair-group dendrograms and variable-group multidendrograms [1].
- Implementation of the most common AHC methods in both weighted and unweighted forms: single linkage, complete linkage, average linkage (UPGMA and WPGMA), centroid (UPGMC and WPGMC), and Ward.
- Implementation of two additional parametric families of methods: versatile linkage [2], and beta flexible. Versatile linkage leads naturally to the definition of two additional methods: harmonic linkage, and geometric linkage.
- Calculation of the cophenetic (or ultrametric) matrix.
- Calculation of five descriptors of the final dendrogram: cophenetic correlation coefficient, space distortion ratio, agglomerative coefficient, chaining coefficient, and tree balance.
- Plots and values of the descriptors for the parametric methods.
All this functionality is obtained with three functions: linkage
, descval
and descplot
. Function linkage
may be considered as a replacement for functions hclust
(in package stats
) and agnes
(in package cluster
). To enhance usability and interoperability, the linkage
class includes several methods for plotting, summarizing information, and class conversion.
To use mdendro
, check first the documentation at GitHub:
- Full documentation, including description, installation, tutorial, rationale and reference manual: documentation at GitHub
CRAN: The Comprehensive R Archive Network
page - Source code: GitHub sergio-gomez / mdendro
- Archived: zenodo with DOI:10.5281/zenodo.4849734
Alternatively, you may use MultiDendrograms, an application with graphical user interface, or the Hierarchical_Clustering program in Radatools.
[1] |
Solving Non-uniqueness in Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering Using Multidendrograms
Alberto Fernández and Sergio Gómez Journal of Classification 25 (2008) 43-65 (view) (pdf) (doi) (Springer Nature) |
[2] |
Versatile linkage: a family of space-conserving strategies for agglomerative hierarchical clustering
Alberto Fernández and Sergio Gómez Journal of Classification 37 (2020) 584-597 (view) (pdf) (doi) (Springer Nature) |
Alberto Fernández:
Dept. Enginyeria Química, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain
(email) (ORCID) (Google Scholar) (GitHub)
Sergio Gómez: