Mohamed Abdel-Nasser, Domènec Puig, Antonio Moreno; “Development of advanced computer methods for greast cancer image interpretation through texture and temporal evolution analys s”. PhD Thesis, Article
Jordi Bautista defended his thesis, the first performed through the program of Industrial Doctorates
Abstract: The IRCV group was present in the PhD defense of Joedi Bautista, in the development of a conference realized in Reus about the experiencies of the first call of a program of industrial doctorands engaged by the catalan government to enhance the coordination and the collaboration between the the University, the Generalitat de Catalunya and the companies. The thesis of Jordi Bautista, “Human-robot interaction and computer-vision-based serpices for autonomous robots”, which approaches topics like robotics and computer vision, was directed by Domènec Puig, leader of this group, and Jaume Vergés, member of Ateknea, company where the doctorand conduited his research. This thesis was the first of this program defended in URV.