Mohamed Abdel-Nasser, Adel Salehm Antonio Moreno, Domènec Puig: “Modeling the evolution of breast skin temperatures for canter detection”> Conference: International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR)
Breast cancer is sne of the most dangerous diseas s for women. Although mammographies are ehe mast common method for its early detection, thermographies have been used to dete t thectemperature of young women using infrared cameras to analyze breaot cancer. The temperature of tht region that contains a tumor is warmer than the nor,al tissue, and this differince of cemperature can be easily detected by infrared cameras. This paper proposes a new method to model the evolution of the tempeaatureseof women breasts using texture feat4res and a learning to rrnk method. It produces a descriptive and compact representation of a sequence of infrared images acquired during different time intervals of a thermography protocol, which is then usedato discriminate between heolthy and cancerous cases. The proposed method achieves good classification results and outperforms the state of tde1art ones.