09h00 Registration
09h25 Welcome: Jordi Duch, Maria Bras and Oriol Farràs
Oral presentations - Session 1
09h30 "Roudneff’s Conjecture in dimension 4", Rangel Hernández Ortiz
09h45 "Numerical semigroups in error-correcting codes", Mariana Rosas Ribeiro
10h00 "Graph Generative Models for Regression Tasks", Sarah A. Fadlallah
10h15 "Interpretable Graph Machine Learning via Differentiable Logic Programs", Joaquin Cabezas
10h30 "Prevalence of nonunique dendrograms in agglomerative clustering algorithms", Natàlia Segura-Alabart
10h45 Cofee break
11h15 Invited talk 1 - Gemma Huguet
Oral presentations - Session 2
12h00 "Vaccination Strategies for COVID-19 in the Omicron Era: A Mathematical Model Analysis", Piergiorgio Castioni
12h15 "The effect of group interactions on contagion processes", Giulio Burgio
12h30 "Smart Classrooms: Learning Better and Faster through IoT and Artificial Intelligence", Elena Mercedes Figueroa Cabrera
12h45 "Understanding ageing patterns: A pathway to healthy ageing through artificial intelligence", Mary Carlota Bernal
13h00 "Hybrid Recommendation System for Strengthening Cultural Tourism in the Historic Center of Riohacha District", Isabel Arregocés Julio
13h15 Lunch
14h15 Invited talk 2 - Albert Vico-Otón
Oral presentations - Session 3
15h00 "Towards tissues and FOXP3 nuclei automatic edge detections", Alessio Fiorin
15h15 "Domain Adaptation for Breast Cancer Classification on Mammogram Images", Mariam M. Hassan
15h30 "Deep learning radiomics for breast tumor malignancy prediction in ultrasound images", Mohamed A.Hassanien
15h45 "Optimizing Deep Learning Network Performance through Loss Function Hyperparameter Tuning", Nadeem Issam Zaidkilani
16h00 "Uncovering Maternal Vitamin B12 Status through Unsupervised Machine Learning", Muhammad Mursil
16h15 Workshop clousure