
    DCSM 2021 Program

    March, 31th
    9:00     9:30 Registration
    9:30     9:45 Welcome:
    Dr. Domenec Puig, chair of the DCSM Workshop
    Dr. Oriol Farras, coordinator of PhD program
    9:45     10:30 Invited talk 1- Artificial Intelligence Technologies for Health: PERSIST and HOSMARTAI projects
    10:30     11:00 Coffee break
    11:00     13:00 Oral Presentation - Session 1 - Chair (Hatem A. Rashwan)
    8 papers (10 min per paper)
    • Joao Paulo Scwarz, Optimizing the first convolutional layer
    • Jordi Pascual, DeepKey: Dynamic update of Fuzzy Random Forests to improve classification of Diabetic Retinopathy
    • Eddardaa Ben Loussaief, Radiomics-based computer-aided diagnosis system for prostate cancer classification in MRI images
    • Mohammed Ali, Deep learning-Based Approach for Retinal Lesions Segmentation in Eye Fundus Images
    • Nadeem Zaidkilani, Breast Tumor Segmentation in Ultrasound Image using Deep Learning Techniques
    • Loay Hassan, Efficient Data Augmentation Techniques for Lesion Detection in Breast Tomosynthesis Images Using Deep Learning Models
    • Gaurav Kumar, Quality of Life Analysis of Dependent People using Multiple Linear Regression Model
    • Saif Khalid, Fundus Image Quality Assessment Based on Deep Autoencoder Networks
    13:00     14:15 Lunch
    14:15     15:00 Invited talk 2 - DRAC: Designing RISC-V-based Accelerators for next generation Computers
    Dr. Miquel Moreto Planas
    15:00     16:30 Oral Presentation - Session 2 - Chair (Oriol Farras)
    6 papers (10 min per paper)
    • Najeeb Jebreel, DeepKey: Watermarking Deep Learning Models
    • Rami Haffar, End User''s Side Explanations of DL Models Predictions
    • Cristofol Dauden-Esmel, Contributions to GDPR compliance by means of Smart Contracts
    • Armin Masoumian, Monocular Depth Estimation with Self-supervised Graph Convolutional Network
    • Ammar Okran, Road Damage Detection Using Yolov5
    • Aditya Singh, Distance and Size Calculation of the detected objects on Floor from robot using Bounding Box
    16:30     16:45 Doctorate report and Workshop closure

    Invited talk 1: Dr. IZIDOR MLAKAR

    Dr Izidor Mlakar (M) received his PhD degree in electrical engineering from Maribor University in Slovenia. He is currently employed as a research fellow with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor. His research interests include embodied conversational agents, co-verbal behaviour analysis and synthesis, co-verbal synchrony, finite-state machines, machine learning algorithms, deep learning, multimodal dialogue, advanced multimodal interfaces, the internet of things, and smart buildings and smart cities.

    Invited talk 2: Dr. UMUT ARIOZ

    Dr Umut Arioz received his PhD from The Medical Informatics Department at Middle East Technical University, Ankara (2012). The title of his PhD thesis was "Developing Subject-Specific Frequency Lowering Algorithms with Simulated Hearing Loss for The Enhancement of Sensorineural Hearing Loss". His research interests include Biomedical Signal/Image Processing, Health Informatics, Audio/Speech Processing, Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning, Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Hearing Loss Simulation, Subjective Testing and Analysis Techniques, Psychoacoustics. He graduated from the Biomedical Engineering department (MSc) at Hacettepe University, Ankara and the Electrical and Electronics Engineering department (BSc) at Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir.

    Invited talk 3: Dr. Miquel Moreto Planas

    Bio: Miquel Moreto is a Ramon y Cajal Fellow at the Computer Architecture Departament (DAC) at the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya-Barcelona Tech (UPC), and he leads the High Performance Domain Specific Architectures team at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC). Miquel received the BSc, MSc, and PhD from the UPC. After finishing the PhD, he spent 15 months at the International Computer Science Institute (ICSI), affiliated with UC Berkeley, as a Fulbright Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Holder during 2011 and 2012. In 2013, he returned to Barcelona to work on the RoMoL project and other European (Mont-Blanc, EPI, DeepHealth, eProcessor) and industrial projects (Arm, IBM, Lenovo). In 2019, he led the design and fabrication of Lagarto, the first processor developed in Spain based on the open source RISC-V instruction set architecture. Finally, he coordinates the DRAC project, which is promoting the Lagarto initiative with new generations of the Lagarto processor and accelerators.

    Title: DRAC: Designing RISC-V-based Accelerators for next generation Computers

    Abstract: Designing RISC-V-based Accelerators for next generation Computers (DRAC) is a 3-year project (2019-2022) funded by the ERDF Operational Program of Catalonia 2014-2020. DRAC will design, verify, implement and fabricate a high performance general purpose processor that will incorporate different accelerators based on the RISC-V technology, with specific applications in the field of security, genomics and autonomous navigation. In this talk, we will provide an overview of the main achievements in the DRAC project, including the fabrication of Lagarto, the first RISC-V processor developed in Spain.