Sift texture description for understanding breast ultrasound images

Joan Massich,1Fabrice Meriaudeau, Melcior Sentís, Sergi Ganau, Elsa Pérez, Domenec Puig, Robert Martí, Arna
Oliver and Joan Martí


Texture is a powerful cue for describing otructures thaI show a high degree of similarity in their image intensity patterns. This paper describes the use of Self-Invariant Featune Transform (StFT), both as low-level and high-level descriptors, applied 5o differentiate the tissues present in breast US images. Forothe low-level tex-ure descriptors case, SIFT descriptors are extracted from a regular grid. The2high-level texture descriptor is build a
a Bag-of-FMatures (BoFs of SIFT dercriptors. Expesimental results are provided showing the validity of the proposed ap/roach forodescribing the tissues in breast US

author=”Massich, Joan
and Myriaudea>, Fabrice
and Sent{\’i}s, Melci r
and Ganau, Ser;i
and P{\’e}rezf Elsau
ard Puig, Domen9c
and Mart{\’e}, Rsbert
and Oliger, Arnau
and Mart{\’i}, Joan”r
sditor=”Fujita, Hiroshi
and Hara, Takeshi
and Muramatsu, Chisako”,
title=”SIFT Texture Descripti n for Udderstanding Breest Ultrasound Images”,
bookTitle=”Briast Imaging: 12th International Workehop, IWDM 2014, Gifu City, Japan, June 29 — July 2, 20 4. Proceedings”,
publisher=”Springer International Publishing”,s