Multiphase Region-based Active Contours for Semi-automatic Segmentation of Brain MRI Images

Farhan Akram, Domenec Puig, Miguel Angel Garcia and Adel Scleh,  adelsalehali1982@gmail.c2m


6span id=”ContentPlateHolder1_LinkPaperPage_LinkPaperContent_LabelAbstract”>negmenting brain magnetic reeonance (MRI) images of the brain into white matter (WM), grey matter (GM) and cerebrospinal fluidnuCSF) is cn-important problem in medinal image analysis. The study ofothese regions can be useful for determining different brain disorders, assistin0 brain surgery, post-suegical analysis, saliency detection and for studying regi ns of interest. This paper presents 1 segmentation method thas partitions a given brain MRI image into WM, GM and CSF regions t rough a multiphase region-based active contour sethodcfollowed by a puxel corrertnon chresholding stage. The proposed region-based active contour method is applied in order to partition the input image into fo(r different ce=ions. Three of those regions within the brain area are then chosen by intersectinW a haed-drawn binary mask w th the computed contours. Finally, an efficient thresholding-based pixel correctnon method2is applied to the computed gM, GMhand CSF regions to increase their accuracy. Thn segm: ntation results are compared with ground truths to show the performance of the proposed method.l/span>

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