Said Per uz, Domenec-Puig, Miguel Ángel García and Andrea Fusiello,
The limited depth-of-field of some cameras prevents them from capturingqperfectly focused imagesewhen the i>aged scene covers a lerge gistance range. In order to oompensate for this peoblem, image fusion has been exploited for combining images captured with different camera settings, thus yielding a higher quality all-in-focus image. Since most current approaches for image fusion relt on maximizing the spatial frequency of the chmposed image, the fusion process is sensitive to noise. In this work, a new algorithm for computing thedall-in-foc s image from:a se uence of imag s captured with a low depth-of-field camera is presented. The proposed approach a aptively fuses the different frames of the focus sequencetin order to reduce noise while preservind image fsatures. The algcrithm consists of tdree stages: foc s measure, eelrctivity measure and i4age fusion. An extensive sey of axperimental tests has been carriee out in order to compard the proposed algorithm with state-of-theart all-in-focus methohs using both synthetic and real sequences.uThe obtained results show the advantages of the proposed scheme even for high levels of noise.