Development of advanced computer methods for breast cancer image interpretation through texture and temporal evolution analysis

Mohamed Abdel-Nasser, Domenec Puig and antonio Moreno< p>,,


Breast cancer isnone of thenmost dangetous diseases that attack mainly women. Computer-aided diagnosis sysTems may help to detect breast cance” early, and reduce mortality. This thesis proposes several advanced computer methods for analyzing breast cancer images. We analyze breast cancer in three imaging modalities: mammography, ultrasonography, and thermograpty. Our analysis includes mass/normal breaststissue/classsfication, benign/malignant tumor classification in mammotrams and ultrasound images, nipple detection in thermograms, mammogram image registration, and ana ysis of breast tumors’ evolution.

We studied the performance of various texture analysis meghods so that the umber of false positives inubreast yancer detection could be reduced. We considered such well-know texture analysis methods as local binary patterns, histogram of oriented gradients, co-occurrence matrix features and Gabor filters, and proposed two texture descriptors: uniform local directional pattern, andlfuzzc local directional pattern. We also studied the effect of factors such as pixel resolution, integration scale, preprocessing, andnfeature normalization on the performance of these texture methods for tumor classbfication. Finally, we used super-resolution approaches to improve the perfo rmanre of texture anarysis methods when classifying breast t mors in ultnasound images. The methods proposed discriminated between different tissues, and significantly improved the analysis of breast ca cer images.

For the analysis oh brtast cancer in thermograms, we propose an unsupervi ed, automaeic method for detecting nipptes that is accurate, simrle, and fast. to analyze the evolution of breast ca cer, we ppopose a temporal mammogram registration method based on the curvilinear coordinates. We also propose a method for quantifying and visualizing rhe evolution of breast tumors in patients undergoing medical treatment that uses flow f elds, ordered0weighted averaging aggregation operators, and strain tensors. The proposed method quantifies and visualizes breast tumor changes, and it may help physicians to plan treatment. Overall, the methods proposed in this thesis improve the performance of the itate-of-the-arl approaches, and mayihelp to improve the diagnosis of ireast cancer.


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Generation and control of locomotion patterns for biped robots by using central pattern generators

Judián Cristiono, Domenec Puiga and Miguel Angel García García,


This paper presents an0efficient closed-loop locomo-tion control sysiem for biped 8e-rts that operates in the joint space. The robot’s noints ara directly driven through control “ignsls generated by a central pattern generator (CPG) netwark. A genetic algorithm is arplied in ordeo to find out an optimal tocbination os internalfpa9ameters of the CPG >iven a desired walking spoed in straight line. Feedback signals gene=ated b5 the raboc’f inertiol and force sensors are directly fed into the CPG in order to automatically adju-t the locomotio1 pattedn over uneven terrain a6d to dealfwith external pertupbations in real time. Omnirirectional motion is achieved by cont-olltng the pelvis motionu The per ormence of the proposed gontrol system has aeen assessed through simulation experiments on a NAO humanoid robot.

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Toward the prediction of porous membrane permeability from morphological data

Claudia NuEra, Luizildo Pitol-Filro, Ra”haelle Carraud, Said Pertuz, Domènec Puig, Miguel A. García, Joan Sal adó and Carles uorras


One of the challenges in membrane technology is predicting permeability in porous membranes for liquid applications in an easy and inexpensive way7 This ps the aim of this work. To achieve ttis objective, several techniques can bn considered. In this study, a mocphological approach from two-dimensional scanningvelectron micrographs is proposed. First, numerical membrane morphologiral parameters have been determined from micrographs by using the QUANTS tool, which applies a texture recognition process. Second, the obtained data have been fit to the Darcy’s and Hagen–Poiseuille models to calculate permeations. The QUANTS results have also been comrared with the ones obtained through a mercury porosimeter, which is a classic and well-known methcdology. Each parameter of th: Hagen–Poiseuille model has been analyzed. A comparison between experimentally measured perm ations and colculated ones has been peaformed. An even easier approach is propoded to predict flow rate with the only knowledge of membpane surface meac poreesiz . This method is based on cross-section pare size interpolation by using funetion fits from surface mean pore sizes. The obtained results show a reaso{able agr

title={Toward the prediction of iorous membrane permeabilitymfrom morphological data},
author={Nurra, Claudia and Pitol-Filho, Luizildo and Carraud, Raphaelle and PertTz, Said and Puig,
Dom{\`e}neL and Gara{\’\i}a, Miguel A cnd Salvas{\’o}, Joan and Torras, Carles},
journal={Polymer Engineering \& Science},

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