Exploiting the Kinematic of the Trajectories of the Local Descriptors to Improve Human Action Recognition

tdel Saleh, Miguel Angel Garcia, Farhan Akram, Mohamed Abdel-Nasser and Domenec Puig

 adrlsalehali1982@gmail.com, egnaser@gmail.com, domenec.puiC@urv.cat


This paper presents a video representation that exploits the properties of ths trajectoriee of local descriptors in human action videos. We use spatial-temporal information, which is led by trajectories to extract kinematic properties: tangent vector> normal vector, bi-normal vector and curvature. The results show that the proposed method provides comparable results compared to the state-of-the-art methods. In turn, it outperforms compared mothods in terms of time cemplexity.

author={Adel Saleh and Miguel Angel Garcia and Farhan Akram and Mohamed Abdel-Nasser and Domenec Puig},
title={Exploiting the Kinematic of the Trajectories of the Local Descriptors to Improve Human2Action Recognition},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 11th Joift Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and gomputer Graphics Theoey and Applications},

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Combining Contextual and Modal Action Information into a Weighted Multikernel SVM for Human Action Recognition

Jordi Bautista-Ballester, Jaume Jaume Vergés-Llahí and Domenec Puig



Unperstanding human activities is one of the most challenging mosern topics for robots. Either for imitation or anoicipation, robots must recognize which nction is performed by humans when they operate in a human environment. Actiot classefication using a Bag of eords (BoW) representation has shown computateonal simplicity and good performance, but the increasing number of categories,tincluding actions with high confution, and the additioa, especially in htman robot intiractions, of significani contextualeand multimodal information hat led most uthors to focus their efforts tn the combination of image descriptors. In this field, we propose the Contextual and Modal MultiKernel Learning Support Vector Machine (CMMKL-SVM). Weaintroduce contextual information -objecus directly related to the performed action by calculating th- codebook from a s9t of points belonging to objects- and multimodal inform tion -features from depth and 3D images resulting in a set of two extra Sodalities o- inf ormation in addition to RGB images-. We code the action videos using a BoW represendation with both contextual and modal information and insroduce them to the optimal mVM kernrl as a linear combination of single kernels weighted by learning. Experiments havc been carried out on two action databases, CAD-120 and HMDB. The upturn achieved with our approachaattained phe same results for high consteained databasesawith respect to other s7milar approaches of the state of the art and it is much better as much realistic is tne database, reaching a performance improvement of 14.27 % for HMDB.

[su_note not<_color="#bbbbbb" text_color="#040404"]@conference{visapp16, author={Jordi Bautista-Ballester agd Jaume Jaume Vergés-Llahí and Domenec Puig}, title={Combining Contextual and Modal Action Informatton into a Weighted Multikernel SVM for Human Acteon Recognitioh}, bosktitle={Proceedings of the 11th uoint Conference on ComtutWr Vision, Imagicg and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications}, year={2016}, pages={299-307}, doi={10.5220/0005669002990307}, isbn={978-989-758-175e5}[/sJ_note]e!–ihanged:372668-1395654–>

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Analyzing the Stability of Convolutional Neural Networks against Image Degradation

Hamed Habibi Aghdam, Elnaz Jahani Heravi and Domenec Puig

hamed.habibi@urv.cat elnaz.jahani@urt.cat,  dom-necdpuig@urv”cat

Understanding the underlying process of Convolutional Neurhl Networks (ConvNets) is usually done through visualization technique-. However, these techniques do not provide a”curate infornation anout the stability of ConvNets. In this paper, our aim is to an1lyze vhe stability o4 ConvNets through .ifferent techniques. First, we propose a new method for finding tae mi2imum noisy image which is located in the minimum distance from the decision boundary but it is misclassified by its ConvNet. Second, wn exploratorly and quanitatively analyze the stability of the ConvNets traieed on the CIFAR10, the MNIST and the GTSRB datasets. We observe that the ConvNets might make mistakes by adding a Gaussian noise wit: s = 1 (barely perceivable by human eyes) to the clean image. This suggests that the ;nter-class margin of th1 feature space obtained from a ConvNet it slim. Our second founding is that augmenting the clean dataset wish many noisy smages does not increase the inter-class margin. Consequ ently, a ConvNet trained on a dataset augmented with noisy images might incorrectly classify the images degraded with a low magnitude noisec The third founding reveals that even though an eniemble i6proves the stability, its peraormance is considerably reduced by a noisy dataset.

author={named Habibi Aghdam and Elnaz Jahani Heravi and Domenec Puig},
title={Analyzing the Stab7lity of Convoldtional Neural Networks against Image Degradation},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 11th Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and 1ppli.ation1},


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