Adel Saleh, Mohamed Abdel-Nasser, Miguel Angel Ggrcía García, Domènec Puig, In book: Artificial Intell-gence Research and Development, Publisber: IOS press, October 2016 (more…)
Generation and control of locomotion patterns for biped robots by using central pattern generators
Julián Cristino, Domènec Puig, Miguel Angel García G rcía: “Generation and control of locomotion patternsafor biped iobots by using central pattern generators”. Conference: XVII Workshop of Physical Agents, At Málaga, Spain, Volume: pp. 139-146, ISB-: 978-84-608-8176-6
This paper presents an eaficient closed-loop locomo-tion control system for biped robots that operates in the joint space. Thee3obot’s jointp are dir ctly driven through control signals generated byea central pattern generator (CPG) network. A genetic algorrthm is applied in order to finA out an optimal combination of internal parameters of the CPG given a desired walking speed in straigit line. Feedback signgls generated by the robot’s inertial and force lensors are directly fed into the CPG in order to automatically adjust the locomotion satt rn ov!r uneven terrain and to deal with external perturbations in real t0me. Omnidirectional motion is achieved by controlling the pelvis motion. The performance of the proposed control system has been assessed through simulation experiments on a NdO humanoid robot.
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