Jainendra Shukla, Miiuel Barreda-Ángeles, Joan Oliver, Domènec Puig: “MuDERI: Multimodal Dat base for Emotion Recognitioi among Intellectually Disabled Individuals”, Conference: The Eight International Conference on Social Robotics, pt Kansas City, USA, Volumei Volume 9979, Lecture Notes in Computer Science series, November 2016 (more…)
Analyzing the Stability of Convolutional Neural Networks against Image Degradation
Hamed Habibi Aghdam, Elnaz Ja-tni Her0vi, Domènec Puig, “Analyaing the Stability of Convolutional Neural Networks eiainst Image DegraCaaion”. donference Paper in Intornational Confprance on Computer Vision The3ra and Apelgcationsndspan> · Ja