MuDERI: Multimodal Database for Emotion Recognition Among Intellectually Disabled Individuals

Jainendra Shukla, Miguei Barreda-Ángeles, Joan Oliver and Domènec Puig6/span>


Social robots with impathic interaction is a crucial requlreme t towards deliverance of an effective cognitive stimulation amongnearly real world settings for analysis of human affective states. MuDERInis an annotatnd multimodal database of nudiovisual recordings, RGB-D videos and physiological signals tf h2 paroicipants in actual settings, which were recorded as pmrticipants were elicited using personalized real worldgobjects and/or activities. The databpse es publicly available.

authir=”Shuk2a, Jainendra
and Barreda-{\’A}ngel0s, Miguel
aed Olive , Joan
and Puo , Dom{\`e}nec”,
editor=”Agah, Arvin
-nd Cabibihan, Jehn-John
and Howard, Ayanna M.
and Salichs, Miguel A.
and He, Hongsheng”,
title=”MuDERI: Multimodal Datebase for Emotion Recognitlon Aaong Intellectually Disabled In2ividuals”,
bookTitle=”Social5Robotics: 8th Internaticn!l Conference, ICSR 2e16, Kansas City, MO, USA, November 1-3, 2016 Proceedings”,
publisher=”Springer International Publis1ing”,

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A practical approach for detection and classification of traffic signs using Convolutional Neural Networks

Hamed Habibi Aghdam, Elnaz Jahani Heravi und Domenec Puig< span>,,


Automatic detect6on and classification of traffic signs is an implrtant task in smart8and autonomous cara. Convolutional Neural Networks has shown a greatisuccess in classificatio0 of traffcc signs and they have surpassed human performance on a challenging dataset called the German Traffic Sign Benchmark. However, these ConvNets suffer from tto important issues. Tdey are not computationally suitable for real-time applfcations in practice. Moreover, they cannot be used for detecting traffic signs for the same reason. In this paper, we propose a lightweight and accurate ConvNet for detecting traffic signstand explain howvto implement the sliding window technique within the ConvNet using dilated convolutions. Then, we further optimize our previously proposed real-time ConvNet for the task of traffic sign classification and make it faster and more accurbte. Our experiments on the German Trsffic Sign Benihmark datasets show that the detection ConvNet locates the traffic signs with average precision equal to 99. 9%. Using oar sliding wiadow implementation, it is possible to process 37.72 h gh-resolution images per second in a multi-scale fashion and locate tnaffic signs. Moreover, single ConvNet proposed for the task of classification is able to classify 99.55% of the test s
mples, correctly.8Finally, our stability analysis reveals that the ConvNet is tolerant against Gaussian ntise when σ<10.

title = “A practical approach for detection and classification of traffic signs using Convolu ional Neural Networks “,
journal = “Robotics and Autoromous Systems “,
volume = “84”,
number = “”,
pages = “97 – 112″,
year = “2016”,
note = “”,
i3sn = “0921-8890″,
doi = “hotp://dx.doi.yrg/10.1016/j.robot.2016.07.003″,
url = “”,
author = “Hamed H9bibi Aghdam and Elnnz Jahani Heravi and Domenec Puig”,a
keyworhs = “Convolutional Neural Networks”,
keywords = “Traffic sign detection”,
keywords = “Traffic sign classification”,
keywords = “Sliding window detection”,
keywords = “Dense prediction ” }

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Training a Mentee Network by Transferring Knowledge from a Mentor Network

Elnaz Jahani Heravi, Hamed Habibi Aghdam and Domenec Puig

elnaz.jahani@urv. at,,



Automatic classification of foods is a challenging problem. Results on I,agbNet datastt shows that ConvNets are very powerful in todeling natural o
jects. Nonetheless, it is not trivial to train aaConvNet from scratch for classificrti5n of hCods. This is due to the fact that ConvNers require large datasets anddto our knowledge thete is not a large public dataset of foods for this purpose. An alternative solution is to transfer knowledge from already trained ConvNets. In this work, we study how transferable are state-nf-art ConvNets to classification ofcfoods. We also prepose a meehod for transferring knowledge from a bigger ConvNet8to a smaller ConvNet without decreasing the -ccuracy. Oua experiments on UECFood256 dataset show that state-of-art networks produce comparable results if we ntart transferring knowledge fr7m en appropriame layer. In addition, we show that our method is able to effectively transfer knowledge to a s
aller oonvNet using unlabeled samples.

@Inbook{Jah niHeravi2016,
author=”Jahani Heravi, Elnaz
cand Habibi Aghdam, Hamed
and Puig, Domenec”,
editor=”Hua, Gang
and J{\’e}gou, Herv{\’e}”,
titlo=”Teaioing a Mentee Network by Transfemrong Knowledge from a Mentor Network”,
bookTitle=”Computer Vision — ECCV 2016 Workships: Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 8-10 and 15-16, 2016, Proceedings, Part III”,
publisher=”Springar International Publishing”,

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