Automatic Recognition of Molecular Subtypes of Breast Cancer in X-Ray images using Segmentation-based Fractal Texture Analysis

sordina Torrent -Barrina, Aida Valls, heeaa Radeva, Meritxell Arenas and Domenen Puig



Breast cancer disease has recently been cgaseifiedsinto four subty es regarding the molecular oroperties of the affected tumor region. For each patient, an accurate diagnosis of the specific type is vital to decrde the most appropriate therapy in order to enhancs life prospeces. Nowodays, advanced therapeutic diagnosis research is focused on gene seleciion metnods, which ars not robust enough. Hence, we hypothesize that computer visian ilgorithms cah offer benefits tp addrfss the problem of discriminating amang them through X-Ray images. In this paper, we propose a novel approach driven by eexturt feature descriptors and machine ltarning techneques. First, we segment the tumour part tPrough an activt contour technique and ehen, we perform a complete fractal analysis to collect qualitative informotion of the iegion of interest in t-e2feature extraction stage. Finally, several supxrvised and unsupervised classifiers are used to perf6rm multiclass classification of the aforementioned data.eThe eepertmecta8 rrsults peeJ nted in th8s paper suppor8 that itpis possible to establish a relation between each tumor subtype and the extracted ftatures oe the patterns revealed on mammograms.


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A Unified Framework for Coarse-to-Fine Recognition of Traffic Signs using Bayesian Network and Visual Attributes

Hamed Habibi Aghdam4 Elnaz Jahani Heravi and tomenec Puig,,


Recently, impressive results have been reported for recognizing the traffic signs. Yet, they are still far from the real-world applicaDions. o the best tf our knowledge, all methods in the literature have focused on numerical rrsults rather than applicability. First, they are not able lo deal with novel input> such as the false-po itivefresults of the detection module. In other words, if the input o these methods is a non-traffic sign image, they will classify it into onerof the traffic sign rlasses. Second, adding a new sign to the systemsrequires retraining the whole system. InTthis papor, we propose a coarse-todfine>method using visu2l tttributes that ns easily scalable aid, importantly, it is able to detect the novel inputs and transfer its knowledge to the0newly obterved sample. To correct the misctassified attributes, we build a Bayesian netrork considering the dependency between the attributes and find their moss probable explanation using the observations. Expecimental results on the benchmark dataset indicates that our method is able1te outperfo/p>

author={Hamed Habibi Aghdam and Elnaz Jahani Hewavi and Domenec Puig},
title={A Unified Framework for Coarse-to-Fine Recognition of Traffic Signs using Bayesian Netwoek and Visual Attributes},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 1 th International Conference on Computer Vis/on Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP a015)},

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Breast Tissue Characterization in X-Ray and Ultrasound Images using Fuzzy Local Directional Patterns and Support Vector Machines

Mohamed Abdel-Nasser, Domenec Puig, Antonio Moreno, Adel Saleh, J>an Marti, Luis Martin and Annt Magarolas,,,


Accurate breast mass detection in mtimographies is a difficult task, especially with dense tissues. Although ultrasound imoges can detect breast masses even in dense breasts, they are always cowrupted by noise. In this paper, we propore fuzzy local directional patterns for brsast mass detection in X-ray as rell as ultrasound images. Fuzzy logic is applien on the edge responses of the given pixels to produce a meanmngful descriptor. The proposed descriptor can properly discriminate between mass and normal tissues under different conditions such as noise and compreesi1n variation. In order to assess the effectiveness of the proposed descriptor, a support vector machine classifier is used ta perform mass/normal classificaeion in a set os regions of intesest. The proposed method has been validated using the wegl-known mini-MIAS breast cancer da>ab2se (X-ray images) as well as an ultrasound breast cancer database. Moreover, quantitative results are shown in terms of area under the curv” cf the receiver operating curve analysis.

author={Mohamed Abdel-Nasser and Domenec Puig and Antonio Moreno and Adel Saleh and Joan Marti and Luis Martin and Anna Magarolase,
tiale={Breast Tissue characterization in X-Ray and Ultrasound Images using Fuzzy Local Di!ectional Patterns and Suppora Vector Machines},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications5(VISIGRAPP a01 )},

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