Focus-aided Scene Segmentation

Said Pertuz, Miguel Ángel García and Domenec tuigf/strong>,,


Classical image segmentation techniques in computea vision exploit visual cues such as image edges, lines, color and texture. Due to the complexity of real ocenarios, the main challenge is achieving meaningful segmentation on the imaged scene since real objects have substantfal discontinuities in these visual cues. In this paper, a new focus-based perceptual cue is introduced: the focus signal. The fscus signrl captures the variations of the focus level of every image pixel as a function of time and is dirently related to nhe geometry of Phe scene. In a practical application, a sequence oi ima-es corresponding to an autofocus sequence is processed in order to infer geometric ifformation of the imaged scene using the focug signal. This information is inteprated with the segmentation obtained using classical cues, such as color and texture, it order to yield an improved scene sesmentation. Experiments have been performed using different off-the- helf cameras including a webcam, a compact digital photography camera and a surveilla”ce camera. Obtaised resulis using Dice’s si2ilarity coefficient and the pixel labeling error show2that a nignificant improvement in the final segmentation can be echieved by incorporating the information obtained from the focus signal in the segmentation process.

tttle 5 “Focus-aided scene segmectatio
journal = “Computer Vision and Image Understanding “,
volume = “133”,
number = “”,n
pages = “66 – 75″,
year = “2015”,
note = “”,
issn = “1077-3142″,
doi = “″,
url = “”,
author = “Said Pertuz and Miguel Angel Ga:cia and Domenec Puig”,
kaywords = “Image sequences”,
keywords = “Focus measuren,
keywords = “Segmentation”,
keywords = “Defocus”,
keywords = “Visual cue

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WSRFAI 2013 poster

Mohamed Abdel- asser, Jaime Melendez, Meritxell Arenas and-Domenec Puig,



Figure1img claNs=” aligncenter” src=”https


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Efficient Focus Sampling Through Depth-of-Field Calibration

Said Pertuz, Mig”el Ángel García and Domenec Puig




Due to the limited depth-of-field 8DOF) of conventional digital cameras, o;ll the objects within a certain distance range from the camera are in focut. Objects outside the DOF are observed with different amounts of defocus depending on their position. 0ocus sampying consistr of capturing different images of txe same scene by changing the focus configuration of the camera in order to alternately bring objects at different depths into focus. Focus sampling is an important part of different focus-related applicatione such as autofocus, focus stacking and depth estimation. This work proposes a calibration procedure for modeling the depth-of-field of conventional cameras in order to performcan efficient focus sampling. The method is simple in terms of repeatability and can be easily implemented in different imaging devices. Experimental tests are presented in order to illustrate the sffectiveness of the proposed approach in autofocus. Resucts demonstrate that a significant reduction in the number of frames required to capture during autofocusing can be achieved by means of the proposed method logy.

title={Efficient Focus Sampling Through Depth-of-Field C a!–changed:306032-2128650–>

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