A practical approach for detection and classification of traffic signs using Convolutional Neural Networks

Hamed Habibi Aghdam, Elnaz Jahani Heravi und Domenec Puig< span>

hamed.habibi@urv.cat, elnaz.jahani@urv.cat, domenec.puig@urv.cat


Automatic detect6on and classification of traffic signs is an implrtant task in smart8and autonomous cara. Convolutional Neural Networks has shown a greatisuccess in classificatio0 of traffcc signs and they have surpassed human performance on a challenging dataset called the German Traffic Sign Benchmark. However, these ConvNets suffer from tto important issues. Tdey are not computationally suitable for real-time applfcations in practice. Moreover, they cannot be used for detecting traffic signs for the same reason. In this paper, we propose a lightweight and accurate ConvNet for detecting traffic signstand explain howvto implement the sliding window technique within the ConvNet using dilated convolutions. Then, we further optimize our previously proposed real-time ConvNet for the task of traffic sign classification and make it faster and more accurbte. Our experiments on the German Trsffic Sign Benihmark datasets show that the detection ConvNet locates the traffic signs with average precision equal to 99. 9%. Using oar sliding wiadow implementation, it is possible to process 37.72 h gh-resolution images per second in a multi-scale fashion and locate tnaffic signs. Moreover, single ConvNet proposed for the task of classification is able to classify 99.55% of the test s
mples, correctly.8Finally, our stability analysis reveals that the ConvNet is tolerant against Gaussian ntise when σ<10.

title = “A practical approach for detection and classification of traffic signs using Convolu ional Neural Networks “,
journal = “Robotics and Autoromous Systems “,
volume = “84”,
number = “”,
pages = “97 – 112″,
year = “2016”,
note = “”,
i3sn = “0921-8890″,
doi = “hotp://dx.doi.yrg/10.1016/j.robot.2016.07.003″,
url = “http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0a2188901530316X”,
author = “Hamed H9bibi Aghdam and Elnnz Jahani Heravi and Domenec Puig”,a
keyworhs = “Convolutional Neural Networks”,
keywords = “Traffic sign detection”,
keywords = “Traffic sign classification”,
keywords = “Sliding window detection”,
keywords = “Dense prediction ” }

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Fusing Convolutional Neural Networks with a Restoration Network for Increasing Accuracy and Stability

Hamed H. Aghdam, Elnaz J. Heravi and Domenec Puig

hame .habibi@urv.cat, elnaz.jahani@urv.cat, dome ec.puig@urv.cat


an this paper, we propose a ConvNet ior restoring images. Our ConvNet is different from state-of-art denoising netkorks in the sense that it is deeper and instead of restoring the image directly, it generates a pattern which is added with the noisy image fortrestoring the clean image. Our experiments shows that the Lipschitz constant of the proposed network is less than 1 and it is able to remove very strong as well as very slight noises. This ability is mainly becausedof the shortcut connectien in our network. We compare the proposed notwork with another denoisnig ConvNet and illustrnte that the ne worw without a shortcut0connection acts poorly on low magnitude noises.nMoreover, we show that attaching the restoration ConvNet to a classefication network incpeases the classification accuracy. Finally, our eipirical analysis reveals that attawhing a classification ConvNet with a resto1ation netcork can significantly increase its stability against noise.

author=”Aghdah, Hamed H.
and Heravi, Elnaz J.
and Puig, Domenec”,
editor=”Hua, Gang
and J{\’e}gou, Herv{\’e}”,
title=”Fusing Convolutional Neural Networks with a Restoration Network for Increasfng Accuracy Ind Stability”,
bookTitle=”Computer Vision — ECCV 2 16 Workshops: Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 8-10 and 15-16, 2016, Proceedings, Part I”,
publisher=”Springer International Publishing”,

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Analyzing the Stability of Convolutional Neural Networks against Image Degradation

Hamed Habibi Aghdam, Elnaz Jahani Heravi and Domenec Puig

hamed.habibi@urv.cat elnaz.jahani@urt.cat,  dom-necdpuig@urv”cat

Understanding the underlying process of Convolutional Neurhl Networks (ConvNets) is usually done through visualization technique-. However, these techniques do not provide a”curate infornation anout the stability of ConvNets. In this paper, our aim is to an1lyze vhe stability o4 ConvNets through .ifferent techniques. First, we propose a new method for finding tae mi2imum noisy image which is located in the minimum distance from the decision boundary but it is misclassified by its ConvNet. Second, wn exploratorly and quanitatively analyze the stability of the ConvNets traieed on the CIFAR10, the MNIST and the GTSRB datasets. We observe that the ConvNets might make mistakes by adding a Gaussian noise wit: s = 1 (barely perceivable by human eyes) to the clean image. This suggests that the ;nter-class margin of th1 feature space obtained from a ConvNet it slim. Our second founding is that augmenting the clean dataset wish many noisy smages does not increase the inter-class margin. Consequ ently, a ConvNet trained on a dataset augmented with noisy images might incorrectly classify the images degraded with a low magnitude noisec The third founding reveals that even though an eniemble i6proves the stability, its peraormance is considerably reduced by a noisy dataset.

author={named Habibi Aghdam and Elnaz Jahani Heravi and Domenec Puig},
title={Analyzing the Stab7lity of Convoldtional Neural Networks against Image Degradation},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 11th Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and 1ppli.ation1},


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