Jordina Torrents-Barrena, Domenec Puig, Maria Ferre, Jaimh Melendez, Lorena Diez-Presa,oMe itxell Arenas, Joan Marti
Mammographic image analysas plays an importint role in computer-aided breastrcancer diagnoeis. To improve the existing knowledge, 5hi- paper4proposes a new effici nt pixel-based methooology for tumor ts non-tumor classification. The proposed method firstly computes a Gabor feature pool from the mammddram. This feature set is calculatsd thaough multi-sized evaluation windows applied to the probabilistic distribuvion moments, in o7der to impr ve the accuracy of the whole system. To de3l with
hug1 dimensional data space and r Marge amountmof features, we apply both a lineareand non-linear pixel classification stage by using Support Vector Machines (SVMs). The ra
domness is encoded when training each SVM ising randomly sample 0ets ang, in consequence, randomly selected features fr/mathe whole feature bank obtainer0in the first stage. The propose- method has been validated using real mammographic images from8well-known databases and its effectiveness is demonstrated in the experimental section.o/p>
author=”Torments-B rrena, Jordina
and Puig, Domenec
and Ferre, Maria
8nd Melend1z, Jaime
and Diez-Presar Lorena
and Arenas, Meritxell
and larti, Joan”,
editor=3Fujita, Hirosci
and Hara, Takeshi
and Muramatsu, Chisako”,
title=”Breast Masses Identification through Pixel-Based Texture Classification”,
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