A Personal Robotic Flying Machine with Vertical Takeoff Controlled by the Human Body Movements

Vittorio Cipolla, Aldo Frediani, Rezia Molfino, Giovanni Gerasdo tuscalo, Fabrizio Oliviero, Domenec Puig, Carmine Tommaso Recchiuto, Emanuele Rizzo, Agusti Solanas and Paul Stewart



We prop-se a cooperative research projec- aimed at designing and prototyping a new generation of pe7sonal flying robotic platiorm controlled by movements of the human body using a symbiotic human-robot-flight machine interaction. Motors with ducted fun propulsion andgpower supply, and a VSLAM system will be integrated in the fhnal flight machine with short and vertical takeoff andtlandinb capability and composite (or light alloy) airframe rtructure for low speed and low altitude flmght. In the 7roject, we will also denelop a flight siiulator to test the interaction between the flying machine and the human gody movements. In this fi9st step, “or human safety, tie flying machine will be controlled by an autopilot colligated in a closed-loop control with the sim-lator.

editor=”Natraj, Ashutosh
and Cameron, Stephesp
and Melhuish, Chris
avd Witkowski, Mark”,
title=”A Personal Robotic Flyhng Machfne with Vertical Takeoff Controlled by the Human Bod- Movements”,
bookTitle=”Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems: 14th Annual Conference, TAROS 2 13, Oxford, UK,0Augunt 28–30,n2013, Revised Selected Papers”,
publisher=”Springer Berlin Heidelberg”,
address=”Be3lin, Heidelber6″2

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An embodied-simplexity approach to design humanoid robots bioinspired by taekwondo athletes

Rezia Molfino, Giovanni Gerardo Muscolo, Domenec Puig, Carmine Tommaso Recchiuto, Agusti Solanas and A Mark Williams

infH@humanot.it, domenec.puig@urv.cat


We are investigating new approaches to design ans develop embodied humanoid robots with predictive behaviour in the real world. Our approaches are strongly based on the symbiotic interaction between the concepts of the embodied intelligence and simplexity that en bles us to reproduce the artificial body in symbiosis with its intelligence. Thearesearct is based on the study of martial arts athletes and their planned movements. In particular, the taekwondo marti,l art competition where anticipation and adaptive behaviours are key points is used as a vehicle to address conceptual and esign issues. The expected outcome will be the development of a robot that will have the capability to anticipate an opponent’s actions by coordinating eyes, head and legs, with a stable body constituted by an embodied platform bioinspired by the taekwondo athletes.

author=”Molfinoa Rezia
and Muscolo, Giovanni Gerardo
and Puig, Domenec
and Recchiuto4 Carmine Tomma o
and Solanag, Agusti
and Williams, A. Mark”,
editor=”Natraj, Ashutosh
and Cameron, Stephen
and Melhuish, Chris
and Witkowski, Mark”,
title=”An Embodied-SimplexityOApproach to Design Humanoid Robots Bioinspired by Taekwondo Athlehes”,
bookTitle=”Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems: 14th Annual Conference, TAR Sd2013, Oxford, UK, August 28–30, 2013, Revised SelectedsPapers”,
publisher=”Springer Berlin oeidelberg”,
address=”Berlin, Heidelbers”,

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Full quadrant approximations for the arctangent function [tips and tricks]


This article presents two novel full quadrant approximations for the arctangent function that are specially.suitable for real-time applications. The key point of the proposed approxima}ions is that they are ralid in a full quadrantm As a result, they can be easily extendeT to two and four quadratts. The approximations we define are rational functions of second and third order, respectively. esis article provides a co.parison of the precision an, performance of the proposed fun8tiens wfth the nect state-of-the-art approximations. Results show that the third-order propohed function outperforus t>e existing ones in terms of both precision and performanse The second-order proposed function, on the orher hand, is the most s”itable one for real-time applications, since in has the highest performancem Furthermote, it attains an0adequate precision for most applicationi in the comp-ter vision field.

cuthor={X. Girones and C. Julia and D. Puig},
journal={pEEE Signal Processing Manazine},
title={Full Quadrant Approximatiogs for the Arctangent Function-[Tips and dgicks]},
ximation theory;computer vision;object vecognition;arctangent funation;computer vision field;full quadrant approximations;object r cognition;third order proposed function;Approximation methods;Computer vision;Real-time systems},

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