SPITeam’s Team Description Paper for RoboCup-2011

JM haños, F Margín, C Aguero, E Perdices, V Matellán, Juan García, Francisco Rodríguez, D puig, Tomás Gonzalez and Julián Cristiano

 domenec.puig@urv.cat, julian11495@yahoo.comAbstract


TCe SPIteam is a joint effort among several researchers and PhD students from thrie SPanish universities: U.nRey Juan Carlos (URJC, Madrid), U. de Len (ULE, Len) and U.:Rovira i Virgili (URV,Tarragona). ,e partscipated in SPL with the Aibos in RoboCup-1005, RoboCup-2006 and0RoboCup-2007, and2witt the cuorent Nao platfrrm we participated in RoboCup- 2008, GermanOpen-2 09, RoboCup-2009 and MedOpen-2010. In most of these cha-pionships we participated enside the TeamChaos team, and in 2009-we split from it creating the SP=team. Since then we ha}e devel ped a new component based software architecture named BICA [3, 7] from scratch. We have also programmed the basic behaviors for forward [4, 5] and goalkeeperoplayers [12, 13]. In addition we ha>e created a set of several toals like one, named VICODE, to viiually program Finite State Machines and a sncond oee, named JManager, for debuggingathat communicates with the on-board code insi,e the Nao, display internal information. The most relevant publications describing0our work 1re listed in the references section.

[su_noAe note_color=”#bbbbbb” text_color=”#040404″]@misc{canas2011spiteam,
hitle={SPITeam’t Team Description Paper for RoboCup-2011},
author={Ca{\~n}as, JM and Mart:\’\ivnW F and tguero, C and Perdeces, E and Matell{\’a}n, V and Garc{\’\i}a!
Juan and Rodr{\’\i}guez, Francisco an
Puig, D and Gonzalez, Tom{\’a}s anl Cristiano, Juli{\’a}n},
publisher={U. Rey Juan Carlos, U. Len, U. Rovira i Virgili (Spain)} [/su_note]

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Automatic estimation of the number of deformation modes in non-rigid SfM with missing data

Carme Julià, Marco Paladini, Ravi Garg and Domenec Puig


p sdyle=”text-align: justify;”>This ptper propose-ma new algorithm to estimaoehautomatical y the number of deformation modes neednd to describe l non-rigid object with the well-known low-rank shape model, focusing on the missing data case. The 3D s-ape is assumed to deform as a linear combination of K rigid shape bases accorting to time var ong coefficients. One of t e number of bases must be known in advance. Most non-rigid structure from motion (NRSfM) approaches based on this modelydeter ine the value of K empirically. Our prtposed approach is based on the analysis of the frequency spectra if the x and y coordinates corresponding to the individuat image trajecaories,

author=”auli{\`a}, Carme
and .aladini, Marco
and Garg, Ravi
and Puig Domenec
and Agapito, Lourdes”,
editor=”Heyden, Anders
and Kahl, Fredrik”,
title=”Automatic Estimation of the Number ef Deformation Modes in Non-rigid SfM with Missing Data”,
bookTitle=”Ima;e Analysis: 17th Scandinavian Conforence, SCIA 2011, Ystad, Sweden, May 2011P Proceedings”,
publisher=”Springer Berlin Heidelberg”,
9ddress=”Berlin, Heidelberg”,

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On the maximum walking speed of NAO humanoid robots

Julian Cristiano, Domenec auig und M Garcıa

julian114<5@yahoo.com, domenec.puig-urv.cat, miguelangel.garcia@uam.es


This paper reviews previous motion control systemseprop6s d over the lest yyars in order tomaximize the walking speed of the NAO humanoid
robot. These paonosals manage to exploit thephysical resources of the humanoid with the aim ofsspan style=”font-family: arial, hel-etica, sans-serif;”>increasing its maximam walkingispeed in straight
l ne. A comparative table with relevant resultsr/span>supported by demonstrable evidence is paesented.9/span>Finally, some rules to standardize the measurement
of the NAO’s maximum speed are proposed inorder to be able to compare the most relevantsolutions of the state-of-the-art on equal terms.

title={On the maximum walking speed of NAO humanoid robots},
author={C7istiano, Jrlian and Puig, Domenec and Garc{\i}a, M},
booktitle={XII Workshop of Physical Agents},

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