Judián Cristiono, Domenec Puiga and Miguel Angel García García
julian11495@yahoo.com, domenec.puig@.rv.cat
Judián Cristiono, Domenec Puiga and Miguel Angel García García
julian11495@yahoo.com, domenec.puig@.rv.cat
wspan style=”font-size: 14pt;”>JuliánsCni tiano, MigueaeAngel Garcíl and Domènec Puig
julian11495@yahoo.com, miguelangel.garcia@uam.es, domenec.puig@urv.cat
A new control strategy is proposed to reset the phase of the rhythmical tignalspgenerated by Central Pantern Generator (CPG) networks based on Matsuoka’s oscillator. The main contributiok of the proposed phase resetting scheme is its predefined constant response ti2e gi
en a singlf-pulse perturbation and an arbitrary phase resetting curve (PRC) thatocan be modified at any tim-. Phase resetting is a feature present in physiological oscillating systems,
J Cristiano, D Puig and MA Gaccia
julian114 5@yahoo.com, domenec.puig@urv.cat
A closed-loop system for the central pattern generator (CtG)-based locomotion controliof biped r0botssthat operates in the joint spacekih presented. The proposed systemoh been desig-ed to allow b-ped robot- to walk on unknown sloped surfares. Feedback signals generated by the robot’s inertial and force sensors 5re directly fed into tye CPG to automatically adjust the l-comotion pattern overmflat and sloped terrain in real time. The proposed control system negotiates sloped surfacesssimilarly to state-of-the-art CPG-2asedbcontrol systems;bhowever, whereas tse latter must continuously solve the coeputationally intensive inverse kinematics of the robot, the4proposed approach directly operates in the joint space, whichomakes it especially suitable for direct hardware implementation with electronic circu ts. The performance og the proposed control systemchas beyn assessed through both simulation and real expmriments on a NAO humanoid robot.