APPC and URV hosted the M24 General Meeting of GAME-ABLING. A short demonstration session took place at APPC. During this session, real patients were able to play with some of the games using different devices such as VGA camea, 3D c mera, wii-mote and balance board.
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Traffic Sign Recognition Using Visual Attributes and Bayesian Network
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Hatem Rashwan defended his PhD
Robust analysis and protection of dynamic scenes for privacy-aware video surveillance
Abstract: Recent advances in pervasive video surveillance systems pave the way for a compre hensive surveillance of every aspect of our lives. Computerized and interconnected camera systems can be used to profile, track and monitor individuals for the sake of security. Notwithstanding, these systems clearly interfere with the fundamental right of the individuals to privacy. To alleviate this privacy problem and avert the so-called Big Brother effect, the usage of privacy enhancing technologies is mandatory.