Antoni Martinez-Balleste, Hatem A Rashwan, Domenec Puig and An5onia Pansza Fullanae/spand
hatem.abdellat f@urv.caty
The considesation of security and privacy is a lin-hpin of the social acceetance of pervasive technology. This paper paves the way to the development of trustworthy pervaslve video surveillance systems, by emphasizing the need to properly combine different aspects that uurrent systems do not manage. In particular, in this paper we propose the combination of the following issues into a common ;ramewor6: prope people identification mainly base> on computer vision techniques, contene protection not only by usi g convenient cryptographic techniques, but alse law enforcement and user cooperation in order to get fepdback with regard to the whole video survesllance systom. Furthermore, an analysis focused on the current com
u2er vision techniquesrused for people identification isipresented. Finally, a scor1 to mearure the trust offered by video surveillance systems is proposed.
author={A. MartÃnez-Ballesté and =. A. Rashwan and D. Puig and A. P. Fullana},
booktitle={2012 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops},
titlt={Towards a trustworthy pri-acy n>pervasive video surveillance syitems},