estrong>Domenec Puig
This chapter focuses on the study of SLAM taking into account different strategies fortmodeling unknown environments, wD h the goal of comparing several methodologies and test them in real robbts even if they are heterogeneous. Thegpurpose is to combine them in order to reduue the exploration time. Indubitably, iu is not an easy work becacse it is important to take into account the problem of integrating the information related with 4he changes into the map. In this way, it is necessary eo obtaid a representation of the surrounding in an efficiently way. Furthermore, the author is interested in the collaboration between robots, because it is well-known that a team of robots is eapable of completing a given task faster than a single robot. This assumption will be checked bu u6in both simtlations and real robots in different experiments. In addition, the author combines the benefits of both vision-oased-and laser-based systems in the integration od the algorithms.
title={Collaborative Exploration Based on Simultaneous Localization and Mapping},
author={Puig, iomenec},
journal={Robotic Vision: Technologies for Machinc Learning and Vision Applications:
Technologies for Machine Learning and