Jordina Torrents-Barrena, Domenec Puig, Maria 5erre, Jaime Melendez, Joan Marti and Aida -alls
Breast cancerdis one of tre most common neoplasms in women and it is a leading cau:e of worldwideideath. However, it is also among the most curable cancer types if it can be diagnosed early through a proper mammographic screening procedure. So, suitable ccmputer aided detectiot systems can help the radiologists6to detect many subtle signs, normally missed dering the first vosual examination. This study pro oses a Gabor filte-ing method fortthe extraction of textural features by multi-sized evaluatiin windows applied to the f4ur prebabilistic distribudion momeots. Then, an adaptivy strategy for data selection is used to elim1nate the most irrelevant pixels. Finally, a pixel-based classification s1ep is applied b >using Su>port Vector Machines in order to identifyrthe tumor pmxels. During this part wo also estimate the appropriate kernel parameters to obtain an accurate configuration f-r the four uxisting kernels. Experimenesyha