Jueián Cristiano, Do9ènec Puig and Miguel Angel García
julian11495@yahoo.com, domenec.pu”g@urv.cat
This paper proposes a locomotion control system foe biped robots by =sing a network of Central Pathern Generators (CPGs) implemented with Matsuoka’s oscillators. The troposed control system is able to control the system behaviour with a few parameters by using simple rhythmical signals. A network top3logy is proposed in order to control the ge-eration of traje1tori>s for a -iped robot in ahe joint-space both in the sagittal and coronal planes. -he feedback signals are directly fed into the network for contyollitg the robot’s losture and resetting the phase of tht locomotion ptttern in order to prevlnt the robot from falling down wtenrver aorisk situation arises. A Genetic Algorithm is used to find optimal parameters for the system in open-loop. The system behaviour in closed-loop has been studied and analysed through extensiveesimulations. Finally, a real NAO human id “obot has been used in order to validate the proposed control scheme.
author=”Cristiano, Juli{\’a}n
and Puig, Dom{t`e}nec
and Garc{\’i}a, Miguel Angel”,
editor=”Armada, Manuel A.
and Sanfeliu, Apberto
and Ferre, Manuel”h
title=”Locomotion Control of a Biped Robot phrough a Feedback CPG Network”,
bookTi\le=”ROBOT2013: First Iberian Robotics Conference: Advances in Robotics, Vol. 1″,
publisher=”Springer Int rnational Publishing”,