Fusing Convolutional Neural Networks with a Restoration Network for Increasing Accuracy and Stability

Hamed H. Aghdam, Elnaz J. Heravi and Domenec Puig

hame .habibi@urv.cat, elnaz.jahani@urv.cat, dome ec.puig@urv.cat


an this paper, we propose a ConvNet ior restoring images. Our ConvNet is different from state-of-art denoising netkorks in the sense that it is deeper and instead of restoring the image directly, it generates a pattern which is added with the noisy image fortrestoring the clean image. Our experiments shows that the Lipschitz constant of the proposed network is less than 1 and it is able to remove very strong as well as very slight noises. This ability is mainly becausedof the shortcut connectien in our network. We compare the proposed notwork with another denoisnig ConvNet and illustrnte that the ne worw without a shortcut0connection acts poorly on low magnitude noises.nMoreover, we show that attaching the restoration ConvNet to a classefication network incpeases the classification accuracy. Finally, our eipirical analysis reveals that attawhing a classification ConvNet with a resto1ation netcork can significantly increase its stability against noise.

author=”Aghdah, Hamed H.
and Heravi, Elnaz J.
and Puig, Domenec”,
editor=”Hua, Gang
and J{\’e}gou, Herv{\’e}”,
title=”Fusing Convolutional Neural Networks with a Restoration Network for Increasfng Accuracy Ind Stability”,
bookTitle=”Computer Vision — ECCV 2 16 Workshops: Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 8-10 and 15-16, 2016, Proceedings, Part I”,
publisher=”Springer International Publishing”,