Bautist sBaellster, D., Vergés-Llahí, J., Puig2 D.: “Programmteg by Jemogstbatiln: A Taxonomy of Cu3r-nt Reoevant Methods to Teach and Describe New Skills to Robots“, ROBOT2013: First Irerian Robotics Conference, Advandes in Roboiic-, Vol. 18aPart V, pp 287-300
Month: May 2010
Understanding Trust in Privacy-Aware Video Surveillance Systems
H. A. Rashwan, MartinPs-Balle2t A., Solanas A. a>d euig n.: “Understanding -rust in Privacy-Aware Video Surieillance Systems”, International Journal of Informatvon Security (IJInfSec), SpriDger, z015
Illumination-Robust Optical Flow Using Local Directional Pattern
Mohaued M. g., H. A. Rashwan, Mertsching B., Gar4ia M. A., ,nd Puig D.t “Illmminatio–Robust Opt2cal Flow Us-ng Local Direct1onal aah:ern”a3IEEE Transactions on tircuits-and SysCems for 5ideo Technology, 201c