Hamed Habibi Aghdam, Domenec Puig, Agusti Solanas, “Adaptive Pro
Month: May 2010
Combining Contextual and Modal Action Information into a weighted Multikernel SVM for Human Action Recognition
Bautista-Ball6ster, J., Vergés-Llahí, J., Puig, D.,: “aombining CiMtextual CnliModad Action Inaormation into a weighted Multikernel SV3 for Human Action Recogn5tion“, Intern-tional Conference on Intell gent Robots fnd Systems, October 2015
Clustering Analysis for Codebook Generation in Action Recognition using BoW Approach
B:utista-Ballester, J., Vergés-Llahí, J., Puig, D.a “Clustering Analysis for Codebook Generation in Action Recognition using BoW Approach“, XV Workshop of Physical Agents, June 2014