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DCSM 2018/9

5th URV Doctoral Workshop in Computer Science and Mathematics

Book of proceedings


This workshop is organized by the Doctoral Program on Computer Science and Mathematics of Security, with the aim of promoting the dissemination of ideas, methods and results that are developed in the Doctoral Thesis of the students in this program.

PhD students are welcome to send manuscripts describing their current research. Manuscripts must be typeset using LaTeX and this template (maximum length 12 pages, recommended 10 pages).

Papers will undergo a review process. Accepted papers will be selected for oral or poster presentations, and will be published in the conference proceedings. Poster papers will have to be shortened to 6 pages. Note that papers up to 6 pages will be directly considered as posters.

Authors of papers related to Context-Aware, Mobile and Smart Healthcare will be invited to submit their extended articles to a special issue of Sensors (IF 2017 2.475) or to a Springer book on that topic.

General Chairs

  • Dr. Agusti Solanas
  • Dr. Antoni Martínez-Ballesté

Organisation committee

  • Dr. Aïda Valls
  • Mr. Aleix Mariné
  • Ms. Olga Segú

Important dates

  • Apr 23rd: Submission of papers
  • May 15th: Registration deadline
  • May 22nd: Conference


  • dcsm@urv.cat

Previous editions


Classroom 105
Avinguda Països Catalans, 26, 43007 Tarragona [map]